Globalization is the free movement of goods, services and people across the world. In this article we discuss the meaning and importance of globalization.
Articles on Globalization
The article introduces the readers to the global economic crisis which started in the summer 2007. Lets discuss the factors that were responsible for this crisis.
Lets understand the salient aspects of the global economy along with the structural features and the way in which several trends and factors influence the working of the global economy.
The article discusses in detail about the factors that caused the global economic crisis.
The experience of the Indian economy in the aftermath of the global economic crisis has been mixed. Lets discuss the impact of the global economic crisis on India.
The benefits of globalization have reached a large proportion of humanity. We can say that globalization has indeed been a win-win game instead of being a zero sum game.
Globalization has ensured that all countries have the same entry level and there are no barriers to trade. Lets discuss the key drivers of globalization.
Globalization can mean loss of livelihoods for the people who have lost their jobs because of it. Lets discuss the disadvantages of Globalization and how we can overcome them.
According to many economists the Global Economy is facing severe headwinds which can culminate in a - Global Perfect Storm, in the beginning of year 2013.
The article discusses how globalization played a major role in spreading the effects of the global economic crisis across the world.
The article discusses in detail about how the Lack of Regulation was one of the major cause for the global financial crisis.
For a long time the global economy was divided into the developed West and the developing economies of Asia and Africa. Lets understand the changes that have taken place in the global economy during the past few years.
Derivatives are Financial Instruments that are derived from the value of the underlying asset. The article discusses the role of Derivatives in causing the Global Financial Crisis.
Lets look at the reasons for why a youthful workforce is necessary for globalization to succeed.
Trickle Down Theory states that wealth which is created at the top level, trickles down to the bottom of the ladder. Lets understand the relationship between globalization and trickle down theory in detail.
Emerging Markets or the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have used globalization to their advantage instead of being the victims of the global economic crisis.
This article discusses the economic conundrum of unemployment and austerity that is haunting the west. The key theme in this article is that without growth, there are no jobs and there is no growth with austerity leading to a situation where the policymakers have to decide whether they would want to pursue austerity or whether they want to grow.
The historical origins of the present global economic crisis lie in the decision of the United States to withdraw from the gold standard in 1971. This article discusses this event and the repercussions of the same that are being felt to this day. The key theme in this article is that the solution to the present crisis is through a return to the gold standard and a new Bretton Woods kind of agreement among the nations of the world.
This article discusses the need to use the present crisis as an opportunity to set right the wrongs of capitalism that have got us into this mess. This article uses the metaphor of a bee that creates wealth and the locusts that destroy wealth to emphasize the fact that we must get rid of the locusts and give more chance to the bees so that future generations benefit.
The global economic recovery is faltering because consumers are paying down their existing debts, saving for future crises, and are generally shying away from the kind of binge consumerism of the last two decades. When salary hikes and bonuses are cut down and even layoffs being the norm, individuals would focus on the existing debt and saving for a rainy day instead of consumption because of which growth is elusive and hence, the global economic recovery is faltering.
This report evaluates the attractiveness of the emerging markets to western investors and assesses the challenges of doing business in those countries. The key themes in this report are that despite the many challenges inherent to the emerging markets, they represent a valuable investing opportunity.
This article provides a financial analysis of the sin industry. It explains how these industries are profitable for a handful of people while being detrimental to the interest of society at large.
This report assesses and evaluates the current hydrocarbon based fuel regime or the oil driven global energy paradigm by considering its limitations in the future and evaluating the opportunities and challenges in transitioning to a new energy paradigm. The key theme in this report is that time is running out for us to transition and if the future generations have to have a lifestyle that is at least similar to ours or if not better, the need to transition becomes that much more urgent.
This report examines the changing world of work in the 21st century and dissects what the trends shaping work in contemporary times mean for employers and workers. The key theme of this report is that the brave new world of work while exciting and enticing at the same time needs to be understood in the proper context and taken advantage of if one has to succeed in these competitive and fast-paced work arrangements. Apart from this, this report examines how the rise of the internet is revolutionizing the way work is done in the global economy.
Because of the convergence of globalization, technology, outsourcing, and the deepening economic downturn, work is no longer, what it used to be traditionally. Newer forms of work are emerging and in the marketplace of tomorrow, those who are faster, lighter, nimbler, and agile would win the day. This report examines these trends in a detailed and incisive manner and provides some insights into how the future of work might shape up. The focus of this report is on providing the students and professionals with guideposts on how they can navigate the changing world of work.
This report evaluates and assesses the growth prospects in the emerging markets of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey (MINTs) and analyzes whether they can replace the original emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China in the portfolios of global investors. The key themes in this report are that one has to take a hard headed and sober assessment of the opportunities and the challenges in each of these groupings and one has to be circumspect before the decision is made. This report presents these themes in an evenhanded manner. The report also focuses on how global capital is always in search of yields and returns and this is the bottom line for any investor.
This article discusses the impact of the ageing of the western societies on the healthcare systems and the broader economy. The key theme in this article is that the shock of gray or the increase in the number of retirees would add to the strain of the already stressed out healthcare systems in the west as well as causing a double whammy of declining contributions from the retirees and increasing outlays for their healthcare.
This article compares and contrasts the healthcare systems around the world by examining the various healthcare systems in the West and the East. The key theme in this article is that healthcare is too critical a sector to be left to the private sector and hence, in the interests of social welfare and social justice, the governments across the world must provide for healthcare of their citizens.
This article explains the common pitfalls of the Canadian health care system. The article describes that even though Canada provides free health care for all its patients, the quality of such healthcare is severely compromised.
This article discusses the emerging phenomenon of medical tourism and analyzes its implications for the Asian countries that are at the forefront of this phenomenon. The key theme in this article is that given the overburdened and overpriced not to mention the decline in medical care in the west, the Asian countries offer better advantages, which are also lucrative given that the westerners pay in hard currency.
This article discusses the benefits of automation of the value chain activities in the healthcare sector. The key theme in this article is that automation is especially crucial in the healthcare sector as human lives are impacted in a direct manner. This article examines the healthcare sectors from around the world to substantiate the key themes in this article.
This article discusses the need for accountability in the Healthcare sector in countries around the world. The article first defines what accountability is, delineates the scope, then compares, and contrasts how accountability is practiced in the healthcare sectors in the United States and other regions in the world.
Though the healthcare sector is among the worlds foremost users of cutting edge technology, there remains an area of operation where it has lagged behind other sectors. This is the use of EHRs or Electronic Health Records for storing and retrieving patient information across the healthcare supply chain. This article discusses the benefits and the issues that the use of EHRs entails to the healthcare community. The key take away from this article is that the healthcare sector would usher in greater transparency and accountability through the use of the EHRs.
This article provides an explanation as to why the healthcare system in the United States is expensive. It lists down the factors and explains how they contribute to the rising expenditure.
This article discusses the three problems of high current account deficit, falling rupee, and rampant inflation and what they mean for the Indian economy. The key theme in this article is that all three of them are interrelated and feed on each other to produce a perfect storm of a crisis that can strike the country in the near future.
This article discusses how health insurance works around the world and the role of the state in providing healthcare and health insurance. The key theme in this article is that health insurance is a topic on everyones mind as affordable and quality healthcare are basic aspects of ones life. Further, the other aspect that is discussed in this article is that wherever the state cannot guarantee free healthcare of high quality, it must make provisions so that citizens are subsidized for the treatment in private hospitals.
This article discusses the graying of societies in the west or the shock of gray and its implications for the healthcare sectors in these countries. The key theme in this article is that the western societies and their healthcare sectors must ramp up on the infrastructure and must move beyond the current paradigm of providing quality care only to those who can pay.
This article lays threadbare the issues with the Eurozone and how an orderly default by the countries that have large and unmanageable debts is the only solution to the crisis. The responses of the European Central Bank that more monetary easing would help is a non-starter as the solution to high levels of debt is not more debt.
This article explains what is meant by the term demographic dividend and the term demographic deficit. Further, this article also explains how these impact economic growth and the challenges before nations that are confronted with these trends. In addition, this article also examines the cases of India and Japan and how the partnerships of the future would be shaped by nations with youthful populations but not enough capital and nations with elderly populations but with enough capital for a win-win situation.
This article explains why growth worldwide is slowing down and despite the best efforts of the policymakers, it is not reviving. In addition, this article also explains the paradox of falling growth and rising stock markets. Further, this article explains what is meant by the term The New Normal which is used to describe the current economic situation.
This article explains the top five challenges that are being faced by the Chinese economy. It also explains how China can overcome these challenges to continue its winning streak.
This article explains the economic aspects of Syrian refugee crisis. It explains how the doom and gloom predictions are unlikely and why migrants are likely to be beneficial for the economy.
This article exposes the other side of contract farming. It explains how this arrangement can turn into a one sided arrangement that borders on exploitation of business partners. The asymmetry between the multinationals and their partners is explained in this article.
This article explains the concept of crop insurance. It defines the concept of reference yield and explains how losses are calculated. It also lists down the various risks that are faced while taking crop insurance.
This article discusses the present business climate for industries and firms in India. The key themes in this article are that while there has been some movement in terms of reforms, the structural changes to laws related to labour and land have to take off for meaningful growth and investments.
This article examines the emergence of Robot Advisors or automated financial investment entities in Asia. The key themes in this article are that the convergence of complex financial products and cutting edge technology has led to what can be called financial technology which is poised to be the next hottest niche in banking and finance.
This article explains the logic behind Bank of Americas recession warning. The causes that may lead to the recession have been listed. It has also been explained as to why dealing with this recession may be much more difficult than expected.
In this article, the topic of demonetization of high-value notes has been explained. The causes of the demonetization, as well as the likely effect that it will have on the economy, have all been explained in this article.
This article examines the impact of Demonetization on the Indian Economy from multiple perspectives. Considering that this topic is the subject of much debate and discussion at the moment, this article attempts to demystify the whole issue by providing some pointers as well as explaining the stakes and the concepts in ordinary language. The key themes in this article are that the two-quarters ending in Jan and March 2017 would be the litmus test for the exercise and hence, the economic impact can be gauged from the figures and indicators for these quarters.
This article examines the movement towards a digital economy and using digital payments from multiple perspectives. Considering that digital models and paradigms are the much discussed and debated topics at the moment, this article breaks down the what, why, how, and if aspects of the digital economy. The key themes in this article are that while embracing digital paradigms is indeed logical and evolutionary; there must be a digital backbone that supports such models.
For the first time in human history, technology is poised to overtake human mental capabilities. The emerging digital economy has raised utopian hopes as well as dystopian nightmares. This article considers the promise as well as the peril of this new paradigm and concludes with a realistic assessment that ultimately it is up to us to use it for good or bad.
This article lists down the reasons why outsourcing would not survive in the Trump era. It explains how Trump will be able to achieve a lot more with a lot less effort during his regime.
This article explains why prohibition is a bad economic policy. It explores the drug problem from an economic point of view and explains why law enforcement is nothing but a wastage of resources. This article is a classic example of how sometimes moral judgment and economic sense can be at odds.
This article explains why Australian economy has been recession-free for 25 years now. It also explains why a recession is likely to be there in the short term.
This article explains the rise of South Korea. It explains how the nation went from rags to riches and laid down the blueprint which can be used by other nations as well.
This article explains the issues with the Saudi Arabian economy. It explains how Saudi might end up being bankrupt over the next few years if corrective measures are not immediately undertaken.
This article explains the myth that socialism is behind the economic prosperity of the Nordic nations. It explains that Nordic countries are not socialistic at all and the success is the result of their culture and not of socialism.
This article argues for Governments and Businesses to work together to mitigate the Disruption and Dislocation to jobs and other aspects of the economy to automation. Indeed, the key theme in this article is that emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution is unlike earlier waves of innovation and hence unless steps are taken, we might very well witness massive social unrest due to rising costs of living and falling wages and joblessness.
As the World Ages, all stakeholders must plan for the various aspects of the financial, physical, infrastructural, and social challenges of the Graying Societies and this article examines some of the challenges and proposes some tentative approaches. The key themes in this article are that unless we prepare for how to provide pensions to the elderly, ensure medical attention to them, and have enough people to take care of them, growing old can become a curse and place strains on all stakeholders.
Any firm exists to make profits, and for this, it needs to grow. This article explains the different strategies that firms follow to increase their profits and to actualize growth. The key theme in this article is that some basic rules of growth are the same in any economy and on top of that, firms devise different strategies based on time, geography, sector, and distance. Further, this article also takes a chronological sweep to understand how growth strategies have evolved over the years.
This article debunks common misconceptions that make people believe that their jobs can be stolen. It also explains how immigrants and Americans are competing against each other for the same set of jobs. They are not complementing each others skills as was thought earlier.
This article explains how automation is going to impact the employment scenario. It explains the rapid steps that mankind is making in the direction of automation. It provides a realistic and unbiased view of how automation is likely to affect job creation in the future.
This article discusses the pros and cons of Bill Gates proposal to levy a tax on robots. It explains the pros and cons in detail before arriving at a conclusion.
This article explains the concept of internet of things. It also explains why it is popular amongst the businesses and not amongst the consumers. The article also lists down the biggest challenge being faced by this technology.
This article explains how the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the lives of common people. It provides certain examples of how day to day lives of common people will be affected by the technological disruption.
This article explains the concept of pollution tax. It explains the rationale behind this tax and how it could put an end to the pollution problem. Also, it explains the possible pitfalls that the tax may face if it is implemented by a single regime only. The Pollution tax is a global solution and must be implemented as such.
This article explains the tax regime in place in Dubai. It explains how Dubai is far from being a no tax country. The various taxes levied are listed and explained in this article.
This article is a primer about the internet business environment in China. It lists down some of the biggest companies in the Chinese markets. It explains why these companies are successful within China but not outside of China.
This article introduces the concept of water privatization. It explains how privatization is the norm in many parts of the world. The pros and cons of privatization are then listed out to provide the user a complete picture.
This article explains the economics of electric cars. It begins by summarizing the success story of Elon Musks Tesla. It then continues to list down the economic and regulatory reasons that have an impact on the mass adaptation of electric cars.
This article explains the significant infrastructure push that Americans are about to receive under the Trump administration. It also explains how it likely to be funded and how the capital will be rationed amongst various projects.
Is more the better at all times, or, is small beautiful? This article examines the pros and cons of our current growth at all costs economic and social model and argues that it is time for us to embrace sustainability and responsibility in our lifestyles and paradigms. Otherwise, we would be perhaps facing a dark future for which the coming generations would suffer.
Firms love growth and shareholders are happy as long as they are growing. Having said that, not all firms achieve the desired growth, and this article examines some strategies that firms can actualize to grow and become market leaders. The key theme in this article is that there is no one single approach to growth and it depends on sensing and intuiting the market trends to adopt and adapt a particular growth strategy.
This article explains the business model of Amazon. It explains key features like revenue model and business proposition in detail.
This article provides an explanation about the Canadian housing bubble. It lists down the reasons which are causing this housing bubble. It then also lists down the possible effects that this bubble is likely to have on the market.
This article explains the importance of German SMEs in their economy. It explains how these companies have helped the average German population develop and thrive in several ways.
The contemporary organizations are learning to manage the latest and newest entrants who are the Millennial Generation. This is perhaps the first generation which is radically different from earlier ones, and hence, managers and organizations need to understand what makes them tick and manage them accordingly. This article examines such approaches that managers in contemporary organizations can employ to manage the Millennials.
This article explains how GST is better than the previous tax regimes in India. The pros and cons of GST have been listed down in this article.
This article explains the rise and fall of the Chinese economy. It lists down every event that had a significant impact on the rise and fall of the Asian giant.
This article explains the history of protectionism. It also explains why protectionism is a dangerous policy. The pitfalls of the policy, as well as previous implementations, are listed to demonstrate that the measures being enacted by Donald Trump are neither new nor novel and have zero chance of being effective.
This article is a case study of the Indian corporates, Infosys, and the TATA group, about the issues being faced by them over the last two to three years and which hold important insights and learnings for all organizations. As part of the discussion, this article examines several insights that arise from the ongoing sagas of these two firms and which are essential for all students and practitioners of management.
This article explains the economic model behind Singapores success. It enumerates Singapores achievements and also explains how both capitalism and welfare state form part of the Singapore model.
How do firms such as Uber, AirBnB, and Upwork compete in the emerging digital economy? Are there any downsides to this new world of work? Or, is it a win-win proposition for all stakeholders? This article explores these themes and recommends that all stakeholders come together to usher in the next wave of innovation and revolution in the way business works so that everyone benefits in the end.
This article explains the impact of Brexit on the economy of London. It describes how the financial sector jobs are likely to exit the city. However, it also explains that a mass exodus is unlikely.
This article explains the reasons why it is impossible to run the government like a business. It describes how the two forms of organizations are fundamentally different and how Trump has made misleading claims.
This article explains the issue of privatization of airports. It explains both the advantages as well as the disadvantages related to the issue.
This article explains how the ERISA act is likely to cause a stock market crash. The effects of this crash on the American people, American investors, as well as the emerging markets, have been explained in this article.
This article discusses the global race between American and Chinese firms for profitability and sheer survival. The key themes that are examined include the levels of support that they are getting from their respective governments as well as how both governments are aiding them in their quest for global domination. In addition, this article also discusses other trends in the global economy.
Indian Corporates are struggling with high debts and low growth. This has created a double whammy for them which are further compounded by Demonetization and GST. Perhaps, this is the first serious domestic downturn since the liberalization of the Indian Economy and comes at a time when oil prices are at historical lows and the global economies are rebounding. The government is trying to help them through stimulus and other policy measures. This article examines these themes from multiple perspectives.
The present wave of populism and protectionism threatens the gains from globalization. The public anger after the 2008 crisis should be addressed for mutual prosperity. Further, financial globalization is continuing, and trade led globalization is faltering. Thus, this article analytically examines these themes and suggests that unless we address the causes of the populist anger, we might yet again witness another crisis.
India is on the cusp of a renewable energy revolution, and Solar seems to be powering much of the ambition and the hype surrounding this transformation. This case study seeks to review the reasons for the solar drive and using some real-world examples; we aim to illustrate some of the caution as well as the optimism that has made investors both hopeful and cautious. We recommend that there has to be cautious and guarded optimism before one rushes to invest in the sector.
This article explains the Kansas experiment. It lists down the mistakes that lead to the economic failure of the state of Kansas as well the effects that followed the failure.
Aadhar or the process of Universal Identity Numbers for Indians can be a game changer in the way Digital Governance can transform Indian Society and Polity. However, there are some concerns over privacy and security of the Personal Information and the Biometric Data that is being collected. On the other hand, if the government allays these concerns, the Aadhar initiative can indeed help in plugging leakages and revolutionizing last mile delivery of governmental schemes and subsidies.
This article explains the quality of economic growth that China has been able to achieve. It also lists the reasons why Chinas growth miracle is an economic bubble.
This article explains the controversy surrounding Apples admission that it does slow down older iPhones. The issue has been analyzed from an ethical as well as economic standpoint.
What makes regions such as Silicon Valley and cities such as Bangalore emerge as global hotspots of innovation? Is there some secret recipe for their success? The combination of geography, climate, political drive, economic considerations, and wisdom of crowds, which are listed as the factors behind these cities and regions are discussed in this article. Apart from this, this article also examines how other regions worldwide can emulate these centers of innovation that are showing some signs of decline for various reasons.
This article explains the economic effects of the attempted coup in Turkey. It lists the major economic problems being faced by Turkey.
The global economy is growing. Technology has made the lives of people more comfortable. So, why are people angry? The answer is that the gains are accruing to the top and technology has widened the wealth disparities. In addition, globalization has been good for the many but awesome for the few and hence, there is anger among those “left behind”. This has resulted in populist trends such as Trump and Brexit. Thus, we need a new narrative about how to make free markets work for everyone and not for the few alone.
This article lists down the economic impacts of the Cape Town water crisis. It explains why this water crisis will go beyond being a municipal problem and will negatively affect the entire economy of South Africa.
This article explains how Google is facing a conflict of interest. It lists the products that are causing this conflict. Both financial, as well as ethical aspects of Googles new business model, have been discussed in this article.
This article explains how buying locally helps the economy. It explains how small businesses benefit the economy more than the large corporations. It also tells why buying local is also beneficial for the environment.
This article explains how social media affects workers productivity in the office. Important statistics about this issue have been mentioned. Also, some suggestions have been provided to help companies formulate new policies.
This article explains how the music industry has continued to survive. It explains the effect of piracy and free internet. The new sources of revenue for the music industry have been listed and explained in this article.
This article explains the rising economic dependence of the Maldives on China. It also explains how China has willfully bankrupted several nations in the past.
Cities worldwide are in a global race for investments and this article explains the why or the reasons for such competition as well as the how or the mechanisms of such competition. The key themes in this article are that for political, economic, demographic, and social reasons, cities do not have the luxury of waiting for investments and indeed, are being necessitated to seek investments.
This article explains the economics of drug pricing. It explains the concept of branded and generic drugs. It also explains why these drugs are differently priced. Lastly, it explains why this differential pricing is not unethical but in fact necessary for the proper functioning of the pharma market.
This article explains how fiat money as well as trade deficits are linked with each other. It also explains how massive trade deficits would be impossible under a gold standard. It also explains how the excessive printing of dollars could cause hyperinflation in the United States.
There has been much talk about Trade Wars in recent months. In this article, we examine what Free Trade is and how Trade Wars affect different stakeholders. In addition, we also discuss Trade Wars in the context of President Trump’s promise of America First and Make America Great Again. Lastly, we also analyze the benefits of Free Trade and some measures that can be taken to redress the current situation.
This article explains Amazons strategy of vertical integration. It also explains how Amazon has been able to get into various unrelated business and be successful in all of them. The article describes how Amazon lets other companies use its infrastructure and services for a fee.
This article explains that the wages of the American worker have been stagnant for close to twenty years now. The factors that have led to this stagnation have been explained in detail in this article.
This article explains the rapid rise of India as a manufacturing hub. It provides a list of the advantages and disadvantages that accrue to companies who decide to set up their manufacturing facilities in India.
This article explains the plight of the dreamers, i.e., individuals who crossed the American borders illegally when they were kids. It also explains how the United States can learn from Switzerland and resolve the dreamer crisis amicably.
Sports are now a megabucks enterprise. Millions of Dollars are offered for TV rights and prominent sportspersons are feted like celebrities. How did sports become big business and what are the implications of such a trend on other stakeholders? More importantly, are there any collateral benefits as well as drawbacks of this? In addition, does the excessive commercialization of some sports crowds out the others? These are some of the themes that would be tackled in this article.
How are corporates, exporters, and governments responding to protectionism? How should students wishing to study abroad plan for their future? What should working professionals aspiring to emigrate do? These are some of the themes that are examined in this article. The global to Glocal movement has now reached purely local strategies and hence, all stakeholders must prepare accordingly. Further, the United States turning inward means that other nations would step up and take its place.
This article discusses the implications of the recently concluded deal between the American retail behemoth, Walmart, and the Indian eCommerce firm, Flipkart, on the Indian eCommerce and Retail sectors. This article and the analysis go beyond the headlines to uncover the motivations of the key stakeholders to enter the Indian consumer segments. The key theme in this article is that the Indian eCommerce sector based on heavy discounted business models and strategies is only for those who are in the longer term and do not mind losing money in the shorter term.
Tourism, despite being profitable, has effects on the environment and the communities that sustain it. Already we are seeing the harmful effects of rampant tourism in India and South East Asia. Thus, there is a need for corporates that benefit from tourism to take up CSR led initiatives. In this context, the ongoing move to involve corporates in maintaining heritage monuments in India can be fruitful for all stakeholders if managed properly. This article examines these themes with the central message of promoting sustainable tourism that benefits everyone in the longer term.
The Indian Aviation Sector is soaring high but also faces turbulence ahead. This case study explores these themes from multiple perspectives and suggests some measures that can be implemented to minimize the risks and maximize the positives. The discussion is from economic, social, and political aspects covering the past, present, and future of the Indian Aviation Sector.
This article explains what the term First Mover Advantage means and why it matters to everyone. Using real world examples and relating to professionals, this article examines how the First Mover Advantage works in the present times with the always on and 24/7 market landscape. Having said that, we also caution that First Movers should not become complacent and take their market dominance for granted lest they be upstaged by newer and more agile firms.
The ongoing trade wars threaten to upend the global trading order established in the aftermath of the Second World War. While the United States under President Trump and his supporters views the present trading order as being unfair and skewed towards certain countries and the elites in particular, there are arguments for its benefits as well. This article considers the pros and cons of globalization and free trade and makes the case for an inclusive and just trading system that works for all and not just the few.
Most of us would have heard of Singapore as a regional hub for global corporations. However, what makes it unique among its peers and what made it into the same is the subject of this article, which along with a discussion on how its innovative policies as well as efficient administration are discussed in detail. In addition, this article also examines some clouds on the horizon which have the capacity to dethrone the city state and suggests some takeaways for its rivals as well as some future pointers on how it can remain in the reckoning.
If you have been following the Greek Debt Crisis and want to know more about the latest deal that has been described as historic, this article provides the context, the background, and the way ahead about the different aspects of the crisis. In addition, this article also examines the lessons for other nations and especially India as it goes into an election year where the tendency to be populist is stronger. Lastly, we conclude with cautious optimism about Greece and how it can avoid such crises in the future.
With much hype around India achieving Double Digit Economic growth, it is often forgotten or overlooked about the very real constraints that India faces in terms of physical, human, and social capital. This article examines some of the barriers to economic growth and analyzes whether India can surmount them and grow more and faster. Apart from this, this article also discusses why successive waves of reform have failed to succeed as far as these barriers are concerned.
This article explains why hosting the FIFA World Cup is an economic disaster for the host country. The skewed economics of hosting the World Cup has been explained in this article.
This article explains the reasons for the growth of the economy of Germany. It contrasts the economy of Germany and China to explain why the German economic growth is superior. It also provides a primer on the economic history of Germany.
While the BRICS or the Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa grouping captured the imagination of investors for a decade or more, it is now the MINT or the Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey that investors are interested as they look beyond BRICS. In addition, the MINT countries also are yet to be saturated and this is attracting investors.
This is a case study on the Indian Telecom Sector. This case study analyzes the growth of the sector and explains how it has transformed Indian Society and Economy in ways that were not conceivable a few decades ago. We use strategic tools such as PESTLE Analysis to examine the environmental factors that impact the sector as well as provide a discussion on how Reliance Jio has been disruptive to the sector. We conclude this case study with a note of caution on the road ahead for the sector as well as an optimistic outlook about future innovations.
FOMO or the Fear of Missing out when interacting with Digital Devices is very real and a serious problem. This article explains what FOMO is, what its manifestations are, and how we can mitigate its consequences. In addition, this article also argues that while technology might be value neutral, we are reaching a point where it is enslaving us instead of empowering us and it is time we took steps to address this issue.
Smart Cities are the rage everywhere. The Utopian promise of living in such regions should be balanced with the realities as well. Smart Cities use cutting edge technologies to actualize seamless and convenient urban governance. However, massive investments are needed to make them a reality. On the other hand, the challenges of the 21st Century are such that unless we transition into sustainable modes of living, we risk collapse. Thus, there is a need to make Smart Cities workable.
The emergence of the internet was accompanied by high hopes that it would lead to an egalitarian and just world. However, as can be seen now, it has not yet fully realized its potential for social justice. Having said that, it did usher in many changes in the way we communicate, work, live, and transact commerce. This article examines the hopes and the disappoints as well as the promise and the future of how the internet has evolved over the years.
The Futurists in the world are predicting a Digital Utopia that is connected and would erase the difference between Humans and Machines and instead, usher in an era where Digital Humans would be the norm. Having said that, one must also consider who benefits and who loses in this connected future. In addition, this article also illustrates the specific ways in which the connected future would change all of us.
It is no secret that technology has taken over our lives. We cannot imagine a world without Google which did not exist a couple of decades ago. Similarly, Amazon has pioneered online selling and Facebook has redefined what it means to socialize. In the same manner, Apple with its iPhone ushered in the Smartphone era. Thus, this article examines the dominance of these firms in the 21st Century and notes that while there are concerns about such power, it is up to us to make it work for beneficial rather than harmful ends.
Investment Bankers are often called the Masters of the Universe for their ability to create magical and exotic financial products that net their clients huge profits. Having said that, their excessive risk taking has caused serious damage to the economies worldwide as seen during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. This case study examines how Investment Banking operates by using the PESTLE and Porters Five Forces Model to discuss and analyze how the larger environment impacts them and in turn, how they shape it to their advantage.
India jumped 30 places in the Ease of Business Rankings published by the World Bank. This was promptly cheered by the government which held it as proof that the Indian Economy was on the right track. So, what is the Ease of Business Rankings and why does it matter to developing and emerging economies such as India? This article answers this question and explains why such rankings are important for investors.
This article explains how the problem of immigration and drug war are actually linked. It explains how the war on drugs has created anarchy in many Central American nations. It also explains how this anarchy has caused the citizens to flee the persecution and illegally immigrate to the United States.
This article explains why the cost of living is extraordinarily high in Brazil. The most important factors have been listed in this article. The explanation challenges the assumption that Brazil can be called an emerging economy.
This article explains the common misconceptions about poverty that influence decision making regarding the same. It debunks some of the myths and provides alternative explanations.
This article explains about the rise of the Chinese multinational. It also explains how Chinese companies have grown into multinationals. It also describes some of the problems that these companies face when they try to conduct business abroad.
This article describes how socialism is a failed system and how countries like Russia and China have also adopted capitalism. It lists the measures that need to be taken when nations change from socialism to capitalism. The example of countries like China and Russia has been given to explain the context in which these policies have been implemented in the past.
This article explains the details of the Time Warner-AT&T. It describes the reasons which led to the lawsuit. It also explains how this deal is likely to affect various stakeholders.
This case study discusses and examines the environmental and structural characteristics of the Indian Healthcare sector. The present model of high priced and unaffordable healthcare is increasingly being challenged by many stakeholders and especially the government which has now taken up the mammoth task of providing quality healthcare to all citizens irrespective of class or status. Moreover, with the key imperative being the need to develop human capital for becoming a developed country, India needs its citizens to be healthy and thereby contribute productively.
This article explains why the divestment of Air India failed. It explains the problems with Air India which scared away potential suitors. It also describes how the Indian government will be affected because of the inability to make this divestment.
This article explains the concept of planned obsolescence. It provides economic arguments as to why planned obsolescence is not really a reality but a figment of the imagination of some critics and commentators.
This article explains the details about the tax fraud cases that Messi and Ronaldo were embroiled in. It provides a detailed account of the defense used by these football superstars and how it was counterattacked by Spanish legislators.
This article describes the rise of the e-sports industry. It also lists the notable investments made by multinational companies like Sony, Amazon, and YouTube into this domain.
No other sector in India has benefited by liberalization and the boom in economic growth as the Indian Automobile sector. Thus, the major auto makers are accelerating at a frenetic pace due to the combination of the various factors at work. Having said that, they are also hampered by very real physical and environmental concerns that threaten to put brakes on their growth. This is the reason this case study is titled Braked Acceleration and the analysis and discussion in the case study examines the factors that drive the growth and constrain it at the same time.
This article explains that currency crisis in Argentina. It describes the root cause of this currency crisis. It also describes how this crisis can be mitigated. The role of the IMF and the United States has been explained in this article. Economic alternatives facing Argentina have also been seen in the light of the political implications that they can cause.
The Mouse Charmers is a Case Study of the Indian IT and Software Industry with a primer on its evolution and transformation into a global success story and changing perceptions about India and Indians, along the way. Further, this case study also discusses the challenges that the industry faces at the moment with the inward looking and protectionist policies in the West. In addition, this case study also examines how the Indian IT firms are being impacted by cultural factors that have arisen from purely local considerations.
This article lists the economic impact of Trumps decision to pull out of Iran deal. The economic impact on various groups of nations has been explained in this article.
In a short span of less than two years, Reliance Jio has become synonymous with disruption and game changing strategies. Its entry into the Indian Telecom Sector has changed the rules of the game in addition to disrupting the carefully planned strategies of the other players. This case study examines the business, marketing, and strategic moves of Reliance Jio using tools such as SWOT, Porters Five Forces, and BCG Matrix. The key theme in this case study is that Mukesh Ambani has invested more than physical capital and indeed, his reputation is at stake as far as the success or failure of Jio is concerned.
This article explains the idea of Universal Basic Income. It describes the results of Finlands failed experiment to provide Universal Basic Income to all its citizens.
This article explains the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica data scandal. It also explains why Facebook is being held responsible in this scandal. Lastly, it also explains the economic impact of the scandal and how Facebook plans to recover from it.
TThis article explains the business model of Spotify. It also explains some of the competitive challenges facing Spotify. The direct listing model used by Spotify has also been mentioned in the article.
This article explains the moral and economic drawbacks of a free healthcare system. Examples have been taken from countries like Canada where free healthcare is already in place.
This article explains the various arguments that are given against the gender pay gap. The article differentiates between arguments that do make a valid point versus others which do not make any sense.
This article explains why infrastructure is essential for industry and the economy. It also lists the major problems that are faced while building infrastructure.
This article explains the resource curse. It describes how countries which have a lot of resources are more prone to poverty and political instability. It lists down some of the reasons which are significant causes of this resource curse.
This article introduces the world of private equity. It explains how private equity firms make money. It then also lists some of the problems that the private equity industry is facing.
This article lists the top five economic myths that are prevalent in the economic beliefs of people. It debunks each myth using logical explanations. Alternative economic possibilities are also considered in this article.
This article explains the concept of a private money market. It explains how such a market would work and lists down some advantages and disadvantages of this alternate system.
This article explains the rise and impact of nation branding. It lists the common objectives of nation branding and explains how several countries have used nation branding to achieve these objectives. Lastly, it also explains the negative aspects of nation branding.
This article explains the problems with antitrust regulations. It states the history of these regulations. It also explains why these regulations do not add value any longer. The major criticisms against antitrust regulations have been listed in this article.
This article explains the reality of eco-friendly electric cars. It explains why the production and utilization of eco-friendly electric cars lead to about the same level of pollution as regular cars.
This article explains the concept of national competitiveness. It debunks some of the myths related to the issue. It then explains the new theory of national competitiveness as propounded by Harvard professor Michael Porter.
This article explains why United States Postal Service (USPS) is losing money. It also explains how Amazon is not really responsible for this loss.
This article explains how regulating Facebook is counterproductive. It explains how regulations will end up protecting Facebooks interest and making it even stronger. The processes by which regulations are used to create and enforce monopolies have also been explained in this article.
This article describes the rise of Andres Manual Lopez Obrador as the President of Mexico. It explains how his economic policies are likely to affect the Mexican economy.
This article explains what a price war is. It also explains how a price war affects the different players in the market. Lastly, the top five strategies to face a price war have been listed in this article.
In this article, the new healthcare scheme introduced in India called Modicare has been discussed. The article provides a critical analysis. It lists the flaws and explains why this scheme is unlikely to be successful.
This article explains the relationship between tax cuts and the wage increases in the United States. It also explains why these wage increments must be followed by spending cuts as well.
TThis article describes the rise of e-pharma in India. It lists some of the major challenges being faced by these e-pharma companies.
This article explains the draconian angel tax laws in India. It explains the details of this law and also lists the negative effects that are being faced by India’s startup ecosystem.
This article explains why infrastructure spending at federal level is a bad idea. It also explains why centralized spending leads to accumulation of even more debt. It then explains how it is politically convenient to have centralized infrastructure spending even though it is not economically viable.
This article explains the implications of the massive drop in the price of Facebooks shares. It also explains the causes as well as the effects of this sudden decline.
This article explains why it is not desirable that the prices must always rise. It also explains why deflation is not necessarily a negative economic scenario.
This article explains the concept of Viking economics. It explains how a high taxation rate is actually beneficial and cheaper to the people of these nations. It also explains the problems that the USA is likely to face if it implements these policies.
In this article, we have explained why the personal income tax in India should be abolished. This article explains how a dismal amount of money is collected because of lower tax compliance rates. It lists down the effects that abolishing personal income tax would have on the economy.
This article explains the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. It also suggests some strategies that can be used to control tax avoidance and make the nation more tax compliant.
The Indian eCommerce sector is on a roll and global firms such as Amazon and Walmart are betting big not to leave out, playing the Long Game. This theme is explored from multiple perspectives including through theoretical references and this strategy of being in for the long term is analyzed for the pros and cons of such an approach. Apart from this, this article also argues that while sooner or later the massive discounts would give way to realistic pricing, such a strategy has paid off for Jack Ma with his Alibaba in China.
This article takes the theme that Data is the New Oil and then analyses the parallels between the battles over oil in the Industrial Age and the battles over data in the Digital Age. Using real world examples and marketing and consumer behavior theory along with an analysis of how Tech firms operate, the discussion proceeds to buttress the key argument of the topic.
No developed country has reached its pinnacle without investing in primary and secondary as well as higher education. While India does invest in it, the returns as well as the results have been abysmal. Barring the top institutes that have achieved global excellence standards, the rest of them do not even compare with other Third World countries. The importance of the Human Capital to economic development has been proved by economists. Thus, this article argues that for India to aspire to becoming a Global Powerhouse, it must revamp its education sector. Moreover, its Demographic Dividend can turn into a Demographic Nightmare if it does not act soon.
This article lists down some of the reasons that will play a key role in the decline of the IT industry. The pain points of the clients as well as IT employees have been listed down in this sector.
This article lists the different types of web-based startups. It explains how these startups are very different from one another. Some details about the different types of business models have also been shared.
This article explains the concept of mobile wallets. It explains the different types of wallets that are available in the market. It also explains how these wallets make money and how they are regulated.
This article explains the own your data movement in the context of the recent data leaks at Facebook. The article explains why the own your data movement might be a good idea of paper but is extremely difficult to implement in real life.
This article explains how a focus on national defense spending can cause economic loss. The pros and cons of military spending are listed in this article. It also explains how military spending makes the rich richer and keeps the poor impoverished.
This article explains the concept of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It also explains why this regulation is more stringent than other regulation. The advantages and disadvantages of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have also been listed.
This article lists the reasons behind the increasing trend of acquisition of tech startups by industrial companies. It also explains some of the disadvantages that emanate from this business model.
This article describes Apple's achievement of becoming the world's first trillion dollar company. It also explains the challenges that Apple is likely to face in order to maintain this valuation.
This article lists the reason why many Indian nationalists want to impose a ban on Chinese products. It also explains why such a boycott would be an expensive and ill-conceived proposition.
This article explains the concept of Car as a Service (CaaS). It also enumerates the pros and cons of Car as a Service (CaaS) model.
This article explains why Europes policy of providing agricultural subsidies is controversial. It explains how this policy harms the interests of local European farmers as well as farmers in the underdeveloped African nations.
This article explains how the trade war is futile. It lists the common techniques which are being used by multinational firms to evade payment of newly imposed tariffs. It also explains why these tariffs are only detrimental to the smaller companies.
This article explains the concept of the sharing economy. It lists down some of the defining features of the sharing economy. It also explains some drawbacks associated with the sharing economy.
This article describes the history of Ranbaxy. It describes how the company grew by leaps and bounds in its initial years. It also describes how the business later went downhill and the factors which led to this downfall.
This article explains the root cause of the economic crisis in Turkey. It also explains why this crisis is important from Europes point of view. The adverse impact on Europe has been listed in this article.
This article explains the reason behind the Indo Pacific partnership signed by Australia, Japan, and the United States. It also explains why this partnership does not really threaten the Belt and Road Initiative. The flaws inherent in this partnership have also been listed in this article.
This article explains the concept of data localization. It also explains the pros and cons listed with data localization. The approach being followed in India, China and Russia are contrasted with the approach being followed in the European Union.
This article explains why the Swiss economy is successful. The major factors behind the success of the Swiss economy have been mentioned in this article.
This article explains the concept of economic overheating. It lists some of the most prominent symptoms of economic overheating. It also explains the steps that can be taken in order to avoid such economic overheating.
This article provides information about the geopolitical turmoil that has led to the increase in the price of oil. It also provides some of the main ways in which this increase will adversely affect the Indian economy.
This article introduces the United States Canada and Mexico agreement (USCMA) which is the successor to the NAFTA agreement. It explains some of the new provisions that have been introduced in the USCMA and how they are likely to affect the overall industry.
This article explains the concept of universal broadband. It also explains the pros and cons related to universal broadband. Comparisons have been drawn with earlier inventions like electricity in order to better explain the point.
This article explains the reasons behind the economic growth of Bangladesh. It explains how the country started as a laggard. It also explains the innovative policies that have led to this economic growth.
This article explains why China has decided to follow the deleveraging strategy. It also explains the Chinese strategy to reduce debt without harming growth. Finally, it also explains how the trade war with America is negatively impacting this strategy and making deleveraging difficult.
This article explains the economic impact of cannabis legalization in Canada. It also explains how this legalization of marijuana will have a significant impact on many different sectors of the economy.
This article explains the concept of cloud kitchen. It differentiates between cloud kitchens and traditional restaurants. It also lists the pros and cons of cloud kitchens.
With elections around the corner, political parties in India have started their competitive populism. One such proposal is the UBI or Universal Basic Income that guarantees an assured income to the poor and the needy. While UBI has been gaining traction worldwide, this article examines the arguments for and against the proposal in the Indian context. We make the case for a debate and discussion of UBI in India and caution against it turning into yet another populist scheme that impacts the fiscal responsibilities of the Government.
The world is urbanizing at an alarming pace leading to social unrest due to urban decay and urban chaos. Smart Cities are touted to be the answer to the urban problems. However, how effective are Smart Cities in the developing world? Without addressing the fundamental problems, catchy tags such as Smart Cities might win votes but do not solve any of the problems. This article examines these themes from multiple perspectives and attempts to address the title question as to how feasible are Smart Cities and that too, in what conditions can they succeed?
Neoliberal Capitalism works by Creative Destruction and hence, from time to time, there needs to be Radical Disruption. Uber is an example of how Radical Disruption works. The Demonetization exercise is widely touted as one as well. However, the fact that it did not succeed in its objectives means that Radical Disruption is not always beneficial. This article examines the reasons for why it failed and where it succeeded along with insights on how it could have been implemented and thought through properly.
This article explains how the International Monetary Fund works. It explains the sources of funding commonly used by the IMF. It also describes the difference between loans given by the World Bank and the ones given by the IMF.
Farm Loan Waivers have been in the news in recent times. With political parties indulging in Competitive Populism, it is time to ask whether such approaches make for sound economics and responsible fiscal management. While debt is endemic to capitalism, there must be ways and means to check it from imploding the system. This is where regulators come into play and hence, we argue against politicians interfering too much with the regulators. Lastly, we make a case for longer term thinking and against succumbing to irresponsible lending.
The Internet has shifted the balance of power in almost all fields of our lives. This Power Shift has been actualized due to information being available to anyone anywhere and everyone everywhere, the minimal entry barriers, and the gigantic web of connectedness which make the World Truly Flat. This article examines these themes using examples from all fields to drive home the point about how a New Class of Powerbrokers has emerged due to the Internet. A clear example is this portal you are reading the article which is an illustration of how Entrepreneurship has been transformed due to the Internet.
With Algorithms ruling our lives, it is time to ask whether the benefits outweigh the costs and whether, such power by machines over our lives is necessarily good. Having said that, there are clear advantages of letting technology improve our world and at the same, there are definite downsides of Algorithms taking over from us. This article explains how Algorithms have become so powerful and examines the advantages and disadvantages of the same. We argue that there is a need for informed debate on these issues and the time to do so is now.
This article explains the roots of the Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in India. It also explains the reasons why this crisis has grown so big. The RBI’s solution to the crisis has also been critically analyzed.
This article explains how the American economy is the most important economy in the world. It also explains how various factors in the American economic ecosystem have a lasting influence on other economies in the world.
The Smartphone is everywhere. Its Ubiquity has resulted in new forms of capitalism with Entrepreneurs and Traders using it for direct communication and commerce in both B2B and B2C models. It has helped them to scale up and derive efficiencies and it has also helped them to actualize synergies from removal of the intermediaries. On the other hand, the Ubiquity of the Smartphone has spawned new methods of fraud and crime. However, we argue that instead of going back to the times when Smartphones were not yet invented, it is better to put in place safeguards and actualize a better future for all of us.
This article explains the effects of violent crime in South Africa. Statistics related to the extent of crime have been provided. Also, the different economic impacts have been discussed in detail.
This article provides an overview of the homelessness crisis in Seattle. It lists some of the measures being taken by big corporations to solve this crisis. It also explains why charitable measures are unlikely to make any meaningful difference.
This article explains what a code-sharing agreement is. It explains why airlines use this agreement. The pros and cons of this agreement have been mentioned in this article.
This article explains why indirect taxes are more efficient than direct taxes. All problems related to direct taxes have been listed in this article. The merits of using indirect taxes have also been stated.
This article explains the concept of a minimum income guarantee. It explains why this scheme is not desirable in the Indian context. The major pitfalls of the scheme have been listed in this article.
This article compares the Chinese economy with the Taiwanese economy. It lists the various parameters based on which the Taiwanese economy is better than the Chinese economy even though the latter is likely to grow into the worlds largest economy.
This article explains the concept of wealth tax. It also explains why wealth tax is a draconian tax and lists some of the pitfalls related to this tax.
This article explains the rise of the Philippines as an outsourcing destination. It explains why call centres moved out of India and into the Philippines. It also lists some of the problems that the Philippines needs to resolve in order to consolidate its progress.
This article describes the polar vortex which has led to extreme weather conditions in America. It also explains how these conditions are likely to affect the United States economy in the short run.
Who are HNIs or High Net worth Individuals and why they matter in positive and negative ways? Is too much concentration of wealth good for society? Do HNIs pay more taxes and whether their Foundations and Trusts are contributing to societal welfare? Moreover, why do corporates flock to HNIs for more business? These are some of the questions that would be addressed in this article where we make arguments for and against HNIs and leave the readers to draw their own conclusions.
This article explains the concept of opportunity zones in America. It explains the economic rationale behind creating such zones. Also, it lists the pros and cons of opportunity zones.
The vexatious issue of Reservations in the Indian Private Sector has to be addressed soon lest there is social unrest. While its proponents claim that the Indian Private Sector has not taken up Social Justice seriously and hence, want mandatory quotas, India Inc. cries foul whenever this issue comes up which it sees as a sure fire way to lose competitiveness. However, we argue that a Middle Ground can be found and for that, we present some proposals that can assuage both sides provided they are ready for mutual engagement and debate instead of polarized shouting matches and threats of violence.
This article explains the concept of electronic health records. It also lists the reasons why EHRs are incredibly useful and provide a number of benefits to medical practitioners.
This article explains the economic situation of North Korea. It also explains how North Korea is able to survive despite so many economic sanctions being issued by the United States and its allies.
The problems faced by Jet Airways are not isolated but symptomatic of the challenges in the Indian Aviation Sector. With cutthroat price wars and a Race to the Bottom, longer term survivability is under threat and hence, we argue that it is high time the business models were tweaked. Moreover, with uncertainties in the external environment and Crony Capitalism being frowned upon, the Indian Airlines have to get their act together before it is too late. This article examines these themes through a pro and con approach to the operating models of the airlines in the Indian Aviation sector.
This article explains how unregulated deposits had become a problem in India. It also explains the new ordinance that the government of India has passed in order to ban the proliferation of unregulated deposit schemes in the Indian market. The future of the existing schemes which were formed prior to the ordinance has also been discussed in the article.
This article explains how mobile phones have resulted in an economic revolution in Africa. It also describes the fact that private companies have been able to do a better job than most government companies.
This article explains the changes that are likely to occur thanks to the introduction of 5G connectivity. The industries which are likely to benefit as well the ones which are likely to face problems have been mentioned in this article.
In this article, the economic impact of elections has been analysed. The article describes how elections impact the various parameters using which an economy is measured.
This article explains why the slowdown in the Chinese economy is impacting Apples business. It also explains why other tech companies are unlikely to be affected by this slowdown.
This article explains the American healthcare system in more detail. It explains the role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs). This article also explains the various legal but unethical ways that PBMs use to increase drug prices.
This article explains the economics behind the development of nuclear weapons. It explains how possession of nuclear weapons acts as a deterrence against war. It also explains how the absence of nuclear weapons sometimes ironically leads to war.
This article provides details about the gaming crackdown in China. It first explains the size and importance of the video game industry in China. Then it lists the stakeholders who will be affected by this crackdown. The risks faced by Chinese authorities have also been listed.
This article describes the situation which has led the regulators to crack down on rating agencies. It also lists the measures which have already been taken by the rating agencies. Lastly, it also explains what problems still remain even after taking the measures.
This article explains the Indo-Pak war situation. It also explains why the escalation of military conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbours would lead to severe economic consequences for both.
Sanctions are often used as a tool to enforce compliance as well as force behavioural changes. However, they are effective only in certain cases and in other cases; they backfire as the sanctioned entities often fight back and lead to a Zero Sum situation. Therefore, we argue that sanctions have to be used wisely and only to constrain nations from perpetrating genocide. On the other hand, the primacy of the US in the global financial system means that it is all powerful and hence, despite attempts to move away from Dollar as the reserve currency, it is still the payment currency of choice.
This article describes the current situation in the American automobile market. It also explains why American companies are giving up on manufacturing the hatchback and the sedan. Their renewed focus on SUVs, crossovers and pick-up trucks has also been analysed in detail.
This article explains the ongoing Boeing fiasco. It also explains the costs that are likely to accrue to all the shareholders as a result of the fiasco.
This article introduces Carlos Ghosn who is the poster boy of the automobile industry. It also explains the reasons behind Carlos arrest. Lastly, the cultural conundrum between Western and Japanese philosophy of executive pay has also been explained in detail.
This article explains why the oil prices have started declining all of a sudden. The major reasons behind this decline have also been listed in this article.
This article explains why government spending is the real problem. It explains that once the government spends money, the entire economy is in jeopardy regardless of how that spending was financed. It also explains the difficulties faced while trying to rein in government spending.
This article explains about the municipal debt situation in America. It also explains why this municipal debt is accumulated in the first place. The article mentions the thought process that investors go through before they keep lending money to the states despite their dismal financial condition.
This article explains the concept of digital tax. It explains the background which is leading to the levy of digital tax in Europe. The pros and cons related to digital tax have also been listed down in this article.
This article explains the economic situation of Nigeria. It explains how despite having one of the largest oil reserves in the world, Nigeria is still one of the poorest countries. The factors behind this strange situation have been listed in this article.
This article provides details about Apples foray into the credit card business. It explains the salient features which will be offered by Apple cards. Also, it explains the reasons why Apple has decided to venture into an unrelated business.
With rising inequality and declining social safety nets in the United States, many experts are questioning whether the American Dream is over? This article examines the arguments that support such a view and extrapolates the trends since the 1970s into the future. Further, we also opine that the election of Trump is a manifestation of the frustration and anger of the White Middle Class and unless there is a truly transformative president in 2020, the US is headed for the abyss. In addition, we also offer some suggestions for immigrants who have long considered the US to be the Land of Milk and Honey.
This article explains the concept of the Green New Deal. It lists the various steps which will have to be taken if the Green New Deal comes into existence. Lastly, it also lists some of the limitations of the Green New Deal.
With the Dust Settling on the Indian Elections, it is time to assess the prospects for the Indian Economy. This article argues that absent urgent steps to tackle the joblessness, high debt, and dodgy growth figures, the Indian Economy is the on the verge of becoming another Greece before the Eurozone crisis of 2010 and Thailand before the South East Asian Economic Crisis of 1997. We lay down the case for this argument and list some steps that the new government can take to address these problems. In addition, we call for a vigilant citizenry since the people are the ones who ultimately suffer when crises strike.
This article explains the different approaches toward recession mitigation. One approach advocates the use of stimulus packages and bailouts in order to overcome recession. On the other hand, the other approach believes that the bailouts and stimulus packages of today cause the recessions of tomorrow.
This article explains the loose monetary policies being followed by the Indian government. It also explains the causes of effects that these policies are likely to have on the entire Indian economy. It also discusses the viewpoint that these policy decisions seem to be politically motivated.
This article explains the currency crisis surrounding the Swedish Krona. The Swedish economy and the cause, as well as effect of a weaker Krona, have been mentioned in detail in this article.
This article provides a detailed explanation of the counterfeiting problem in India. It also describes the reasons why counterfeiting is prevalent in India and lists the steps that can be taken to solve the problem.
This article explains the financial effects of terrorist incidents in Sri Lanka. The possible financial effects and the steps to overcome them have been detailed in this article.
This article describes the Chinese governments policy which first created an electric vehicle boom in China. It then describes how China suddenly changed its policies which have led to the destruction of the very same industry that the government was trying to encourage in the first place.
This article explains the concept of citizens income scheme in Italy. It has explained how this scheme is different from the universal basic income scheme. The political, as well as the economic impact of this scheme, has been listed in this article.
This article explains the importance of forecasting vis-a-vis the income statement. It also lists the techniques that need to be followed in order to create an accurate forecast.
This article explains why the idea of free tuition is becoming such an important selling point amongst young American voters. The article lists the pitfalls of the free college tuition idea to explain why it is unworkable.
We all need to commute and travel from one place to another. However, mobility has become problem ridden as roads are congested, private vehicles adding to the problem, and lack of alternatives for the poor. Thus, there is an urgent need to address the problem of Mobility and this article examines the various options along with suggestions on how the private sector needs to be more involved. On the other hand, solutions such as Uber, Air Taxis, and the like are feasible only for the rich. Thus, we argue that unless there is concerted action by the stakeholders, road rage and social unrest would increase.
This article provides details about the Instex payments platform. It is a unique initiative by European governments to circumvent American sanctions and to continue trade with Iran without involving any cross border payments.
With the burgeoning numbers of elderly people in the West, the consequences from the Shock of Grey have to be handled. This article examines how prepared are we and what are some of the key challenges from an ageing population. Using examples from the US and Germany, we make the case for immigration as a policy to meet the labour pool shortages, healthcare that is universal to deal with the elderly, and a pension system that is fair and has enough funds to sustain in the future. Along the way, we also discuss the present situation in India.
There is a paradox here and that is the decline of the Left in a poor country such as India and its Resurgence in a rich country such as the United States. This article attempts to make sense of this phenomenon and explain and analyze the reasons for the same. Among other points, we argue that economics, demography, messaging, personality, and the political maturity of the voters are the reasons for this seeming contradiction in the relative fortunes.
This article discusses the proposal of capping interest rates. It explains why high-interest rates are charged by banks. It also explains the negative economic effects that may occur if the policy is actually implemented, and the interest rates are capped.
Technology was supposed to liberate humanity. It was to usher in a new Utopia. However, what has happened is that it resembles a dystopian nightmare. So, what happened? This article examines the reasons for the same and argues that just like during the First Industrial Revolution, we need a New Social Contract between the various stakeholders to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is underway.
Much has been said and written about the Indian work habits. With much focus on how India is emerging as a global powerhouse, this article argues that it is high time for Indians to change their work habits as well to compete with the West and emulate China. Using real world examples and the need to break past the cultural barriers holding Indian professionals from reaching their potential, we point out that it is possible to be Western in work habits without losing our Indianness.
This article describes the degree of interconnectedness between the American economy and the world economy. Some statistics which detail this interconnectedness have been listed. Also, the implications for the American public have been jotted down.
This article provides examples of Canadian protectionism. It explains how excessive protectionism is actually hurting the interests of the Canadian government as well the common people. Details about Canadas archaic intra-provincial system have also been mentioned in this article.
This article describes the range of possible outcomes that the current Sino American trade war is likely to take. It also discusses the probability of each of these outcomes actually occurring.
This article explains the crisis that diesel vehicles are facing all around the world. Examples from diverse countries like Germany, United Kingdom and India have been listed down in this article. The major reasons behind the fall of diesel vehicles have been explained in this article.
This article explains the importance of rare earth minerals in the United States. It also explains why China is the dominant source of rare earth minerals. Lastly, the economic impact of this ban and other options has been explored in this article.
This article explains the issue of forced technology transfers between America and China. It describes both the American as well as the Chinese point of view. It also explains why this issue is the main bone of contention between China and America.
This article explains the pros and cons of multinational companies. The advantages and disadvantages of having a multinational company have been listed down. The report also explains why many multinational companies are more powerful compared to nations.
This article explains the wealth gap problem, which is prevalent in China. It lists the root causes which have led to the creation of this situation. Lastly, it also provides detailed information about some of the measures being taken by China to overcome the problem.
This article explains the concept of digital cash. It explains details about what digital cash is and how digital cash systems work.
This article explains the concept behind Facebooks new currency i.e., the Libra. It also explains why the Libra isnt exactly a cryptocurrency. Lastly, it also explains why some countries are opposed to the introduction of Libra.
This article explains the main reasons why Israel is considered to be an economic miracle. It provides historical context into Israels economic situation. Lastly, it also lists the challenges which the Israeli economy is currently facing.
This article explains why the automobile industry in Mexico is growing by leaps and bounds. The competitive advantage which the Mexican manufacturing industry has over the rest of the world has been explained in this article. Lastly, it details some of the main reasons which are responsible for bringing multinational car companies to Mexican shores.
This article explains the economic and political impact of the deal between America and Mexico. The provisions mentioned in the deal have been listed and explained in detail. Also, the political motivations behind the deal have been explained in this article.
This article explains the economic issues surrounding the e-waste pollution problem. The causes, effects, and solutions to the e-waste problem have been detailed in this article.
What is the Hindu Rate of Growth and Is the Indian Economy returning to the Decades of Stagnation? Are the present problems in the Indian Economy cyclical or structural? Can anything be done to revive growth? These are some of the questions that would be addressed in this article with the main theme being centred on structural reasons as being the cause of the slowdown.
Trust is the key to maintaining the organisational fabric in businesses and to sustain the social contract in nations. When trust is scarce, companies fail and countries collapse and hence, it is key to success. As the former Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, wrote recently, without trust, everything comes apart. This article draws upon his opinion piece and explains, using real world examples, how trust is the key to building successful companies and great nations.
When governments change, many policies taken by the predecessors are thrown out along with them. While democracies provide people and by extension, elected representatives with this power, we argue that the cancellation or annulment of decisions taken by the previous governments must be on the merits and demerits of the policies and not due to vendetta and vindictiveness. Taking the case of the turmoil in Andhra Pradesh over the capital as a case study, we examine the pros and cons of policy continuity and what it means for the business community.
This article discusses why there are fewer women in the workforce and investigates the reasons for the same. We list the external and internal barriers that working women face and suggest some solutions for the same. We also argue the business and economic case for diversity and inclusivity. The key argument in this article is that archaic mindsets need to change to bring more women into the workforce.
In this article, we argue that Facebook and other social media platforms must be regulated and indeed, prevented from interfering and manipulating the outcomes of elections worldwide. Using concepts from Psychology, Technology, Media, and Mass Communication, we explain how Personal Data is used by Facebook and Third Party Apps to target ads and other political messages to specific groups of voters.
This article is more of a Self Help summary of what happens at Davos and how Aspiring students who follow the event can glean insights into the future of business. We explain how Davos is as much about the discussions as it is about the global elite networking and deal making at the highest levels. We also point to the ways and means in which anyone can track and research what transpired there and subsequently, use this information to analyse and reference in their studies and careers.
This article argues that all of us are living in a Reality TV like world where Spin is more important than Substance. We examine the impacts of such trends on business and society and caution that such impacts are more on the marginalised. At the same time, whoever can manage the narrative are winners and whoever are passive are the losers. We also point out how businesses are impacted as well as the effect on employability of graduates.
This article discusses the intersecting and converging trends such as Lack of Good Jobs, Unemployability of Indias graduates, and the so-called Demographic Dividend turning into a Demographic Nightmare. We caution that unless there is urgent action on the jobs crises. It would result in a Perfect Storm of crises that can lead to social unrest and societal collapse.
This article examines the way in which the roles of the CEOs are changing in the Digital Age. We use the Four Factors of Production theory to illustrate how each factor has changed in the Digital Age and what it means for CEOs in the present times. We also explain what these changes mean for the CEOs and the firms that they run. This article also compares and contrasts the roles of CEOs in earlier eras with what has changed now.
This article examine when Indian start-ups and eCommerce firms can continue to sustain themselves in the face of heavy losses and at the same time, large revenues. We explain this apparent dichotomy and argue that it is only because Western investors are looking for returns beyond their saturated markets that the phenomenon of endless rounds of pumping money into Indian start-ups is continuing. We make use of theory and real world examples to buttress our arguments.
This article draws upon Economic Theories and Real World examples to examine the pros and cons of Governments bailing out businesses. We make a case for bailouts and at the same time, emphasize that such bailouts must be for protecting jobs and not for dividend payments. We also concede that we are living in extraordinary times that require such drastic measures to overcome the crisis of Covid 19.
What would the New Normal mean for Businesses? Will it be defined by Chaos and Confusion? So, how should businesses prepare? These themes would be explored in this article and we suggest three main points that can be kept in mind when they formulate their strategies. We opine that they must operate in real time, be decentralised and agile, and that they must be as local as possible and at the same time, be tuned into credible and reliable information sources.
This article examines how the New Normal would impact Outsourcing and Offshoring firms and argues that it while it is too early to predict the impacts, there are some signs that indicate a likelihood of certain trends shaping it. Remote work and more Digitalisation can lead to more outsourcing whereas ban on foreign travel and immigration can impact those firms employing expatriates. We dissect some trends to speculate about how they impact businesses.
This article makes the claim that India Inc. is staring at a Perfect Storm of Converging Crises due to a Depressed Economy, the Covid 19 Pandemic, and Social Unrest. We explain how these crises affect SMEs, Exporters, and Corporations and call upon them to lobby the government for assistance. We list out the various measures that the government can take and make the case for radical action as never before.
This article explains the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the information technology sector. It explains how different sectors within the technology industry are likely to be affected by the crisis. It also explains how technology is one of the few sectors which might benefit from this crisis.
When data is the New Oil, those who control it or the Gatekeepers of Data have awesome power over our lives. In addition, restricting access to knowledge gives such Gatekeepers more power. So, is there a need for better regulation of what data is collected and how it is used? This article examines these themes using real world examples and argues that we need a New Accord that makes data collection and use fair and transparent for all.
This article describes the impact of the COVID crisis on the startup sector. It explains how different stakeholders in the startup ecosystem will be affected and how the effects will be passed on to the startup itself.
This article makes the case for corporates to be Savvy on Social Media. As we argue, being savvy means the ability to Push Marketing and Sales and at the same time, React and Respond in Real Time to Criticism. Moreover, we define Cancel Culture and how corporates have to look out for this and use examples of real world firms who use social media in a savvy manner.
This article explains why the Chief Technology Officer or the CTO has become critical to the success of corporates. We start with history and look at the present and extrapolate the trends into the future to understand how the CTO has come a long way from the time they were peripheral to now where the CEO and the CTO have for all practical purposes become one. We also examine how the Covid Pandemic has made the CTOs that much more critical.
This article explains how the Indian SME sector is facing a Nightmarish situation due to the Ongoing Economic Crisis caused by the Covid Pandemic. We argue that while the Indian Government has been quite proactive as far as alleviating the problems of the SMEs are concerned, there are structural issues to be addressed for their longer term survival. In addition, we call for more clarity from the Government as to whether they want Monopolies or Let SMEs coexist with the Big Businesses.
This article uses the examples of women leaders worldwide to show that they have been more effective than their male counterparts. Further, we point to the leadership of women premiers and contrast them with the Strongmen ruling other countries to argue that women outpaced the latter as far as firm, yet, fair leadership was concerned. We make the case for businesses to recognize this fact in their boardrooms.
This article explains what Arbitration in the Commercial and Business world means and how businesses can use it as a last resort. We use real world examples to illustrate both the benefits as well as the perils of arbitration and argue that businesses must do their due diligence so that they are not disappointed later on. On the other hand, we also point to how the Indian Government can do better as far as arbitration with global businesses is concerned.
This article analyses the recent insurrection in the United States from a business and economic perspective and argues that to prevent a collapse due to the Perfect Storm of Crises, all the stakeholders must come together and work with each other, rather than against each other. We also point out that Americas loss is Chinas gain and also examine how Business Leaders have to make their presence felt.
This article argues that India Inc. has a Diversity Problem and lists several steps that Indian Corporates can take to address this issue. Using real world examples, we illustrate how this D&I problem play out in Indian Corporates and call upon them to walk the Talk. Moreover, we also argue that merely hiring women and racial and ethnic as well as gender minorities is not enough, and the real challenge is in retaining them and then promoting them.
This article debates the pros and cons of having Affirmative Action in Corporates. Using theories and real world examples, we lay the positions of both sides of the issue and argue that common ground can be met without recourse to agitations and other counterproductive measures. We illustrate how corporates in the United States work as far as Affirmative Action is concerned and suggest some policies for other firms.
This article defines practical intelligence and applies it to the real world using the concept of the Glocal Approach to business. We use examples from firms such as Unilever, McDonalds and Computer firms to make the case for practical intelligence. We also address its limitations and at the same time, recommend that Management Grads be made to spend time in the Field to gain insights into Practical Intelligence.
This article explains what the China Plus strategy, being adopted by Western firms is all about, and why it can become a game changer for the Indian Economy. We list the challenges and the advantages the Indian Economy has and exhort Indian firms and the central and state governments to synergize to reap the benefit from the China Plus strategy. Xi's losses can indeed become Modis gains.
Big Tech is having a meltdown and we explore the reasons for the same. We suggest that the present times are an opportunity for Big Tech firms to reinvent and rejuvenate themselves as they reckon with reality and come to grips with the lack of real innovation for almost a decade now. Same is the case with the Unicorns and Startups and we argue that the Big Tech meltdown is inevitable in the march to the Digital Age.
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